Social media has become an addiction to one and all. If we’re not doing anything, we find ourselves fiddling through social apps on a loop. Even though social media has been created to make us feel more connected, ironically enough, it makes us feel isolated at times. Not only do we end up wasting a lot of time that we’re not supposed to, we end up feeling lonely at times as well. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to just go all in for a break from social media.
What is a Social Media Detox?
A social media detox is basically a period of time when one takes a break from using social media and goes through a process of digital detoxification.
Here are some of the reasons why a social media detox is beneficial for us:
1. To Stop Comparison

We may look at social media and find ourselves comparing our lives to everyone else’s. For example, if everyone we know seems to get into new relationships and show it off on social media, we might feel isolated to think that we’re missing out on most parts of life. In reality, that’s not the case, we are living the life that we’re comfortable with and we should feel fulfilled about it.
2. To Improve Mood

It has been said in several studies that more the people use social media, the bigger the chance for depression grows within them. Taking a social media detox might feel unusual at first, but eventually, improvements can be seen in one’s overall mental health.
3. To Reconnect with the Real World

Over-usage of social media can lead to isolation and loneliness. People who use social media a lot might find it difficult to connect in real life. Real-life connections actually matter & are vital. So, taking a social media break can bring someone back into the real world and help them to have better and healthier connections with the people around them.
4. To Be Mindful

Social media doesn’t let us enjoy the moment, for it’s mostly about the past or the future. Mindfulness is an essential part of keeping a healthy mind, so a digital detox might help one tune back into reality. We need to stop obsessing over the past or future and be present.
5. To Be More Productive

We don’t keep track of how much time we waste running our fingers through reels. So, a social media detox can leave one with a ton of free time that can be used to become more productive.
6. To Be More Organized

Social media can turn into a dangerous addiction if not looked after carefully. It can lead to wastage of energy and time, thus, making one end up all over the place. A cleanse from social media can help with re-prioritizing and re-organizing certain parts of life.
7. To Get More Sleep

Most people use their phones & fiddle through social media apps at night without having a track or limit of it. It leads to loss of sleep and restlessness. A social media detox can be essential in order to have a better sleep schedule.
8. To Give our Brains some Rest

Social Media makes sure to keep our brains busy, pretty much all the time. But it’s necessary to pause, rest & recollect. Keeping our brains busy at all times might not be the best thing to do, so, it’s necessary to give our brain a little rest by taking a digital detox.
9. To Protect Privacy
Using Social Media takes up a lot of our privacy since certain apps are interconnected & thus, have access to a lot of our daily doings. A social media detox helps with the protection of our privacy.
10. To Appreciate More
Most of the time, we get so caught up with taking pictures to post later, that we forget to enjoy the very moment. A social media detox is essential to appreciate our surroundings more and to enjoy to the fullest.
Social media makes sure to keep our brains busy, pretty much all the time. But it’s necessary to pause, rest, and recollect. Keeping our brains busy at all times might not be the best thing to do, so, it’s necessary to give our brain a little rest by taking a digital detox.
A social media detox can lead to better mental and physical health and a better lifestyle. We might find more creative versions of ourselves in the course of the cleanse. And after all, it’s a breeze to be back to the world of social media when we feel ready again.
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