Health and Wellness10 Useful Health Tips for Monsoon

10 Useful Health Tips for Monsoon

Monsoon comes along with the essence of new beginnings, inviting greenery and bringing along with it a touch of soothing serenity. But if we’re being a little less poetic, and a little more practical, we must remember that the season of monsoon also brings forth a lot of scopes for endless diseases. Let’s look into

10 Useful Health Tips for Monsoon

1. Increasing the intake of vitamin c

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Monsoon paves the way for bacteria and viruses & make it easy for them to thrive. Exactly around this time of the year, usually, viral infections & viral fevers along with allergic reactions are pretty high. So, one of the easiest ways to boost our immunity to fight these illnesses is to increase the intake of vitamin-c.  

2. Drinking clean water

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Though we all drink comparably less water during the season of monsoon, we need to stay hydrated just as much. However, we must ensure that we’re drinking clean and purified water wherever we are. It’s best to carry around our own bottled water. 

3. Increasing the intake of probiotics

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Probiotics are good and essential microorganisms that support our gut health by living in our gut. During the monsoon season, we need to increase our intake of Probiotics by following a diet that involves yogurt, curd, buttermilk, pickle, etc. 

4. Avoiding junk food

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No matter how much we are fond of junk food, in the rainy season, we should avoid junk food at all costs. Junk food, street food to be more specific, becomes home to harmful bacteria as they’re exposed to the open air most of the time. 

5. Destroying breeding grounds of mosquitoes

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We all are aware of how mosquitoes can make our lives miserable, not just by keeping us awake all night, but also by being the medium of dangerous diseases. Mosquitos are born in any form of stagnant water, so it’s essential to ensure that rainwater or water, in general, is not getting stored in any open vessels, as well it should also be looked upon so that the drains are not clogged. 

6. Adding a disinfectant to bath water

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Bathing well is already extremely important during the season of monsoon, now adding a disinfectant to your bathing water can heighten your overall necessary monsoon hygiene. 

7. Avoiding walking in dirty water

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As kids, we loved muddy puddles as much as Peppa Pig did, isn’t it? But now we’re grown-ups & we need to make sure that we avoid puddles of water on streets and roads as that sort of water can expose our feet to germs and viruses. If it’s unavoidable then we must wash our feet immediately after. We should also try our best to keep children away from stepping into dirty water during the rainy season. 

8. Avoiding wet walls

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Walls that get wet during the rainy season because of the rain can also cause exposure to bacteria and viruses. It’s necessary to make sure that we do not lean on these wet walls and stay at a safe distance from them. 

9. Avoiding common cold & flu

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If wet from the rain, only enter air-conditioned rooms when you’re completely dry. In addition, it’s clever to keep an extra set of clothes handy in case of heavy rainfall. Even though the common cold and flu aren’t always completely avoidable, we can always try to do our best. 

10. Maintaining hand hygiene

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It’s extremely important to maintain hand hygiene during the season of monsoon. One should keep their hands clean by using soaps and sanitizers and take good care of their nails as well, keeping them free of dirt. 

Monsoon is a marvelous season and while we’re breathing the beauty of this season in, we need to make sure that we take great care of our health so that we can enjoy the entirety of the rainy season.

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