Good education is key to the foundation of a successful life. This foundation can be achieved by a healthy relationship between a teacher and a student. You all have some imprints left on your minds by your teachers. You are connected to them in some or other ways. They were the architect of your future, a big hand to build your beautiful future.
The student-teacher bond plays a significant role in a child’s success. This bond is the most influential element in a learning environment. As a teacher, the most substantial impact you make on the students is by the way you make them feel and the way you deal with them. This helps the students to connect to their teachers. The supportive nature of the teacher has a great influence on students to gain expertise and enhance their educational capabilities.
A beautiful quote by the unknown advocates the relationship between the two, “A good education can change anyone. A good teacher can change everything.” The bond between teacher and students can be strengthened by social and emotional learning.
So here are some tips to develop a student-teacher bond
1. Showing care

A teacher needs to talk in a way with their student so as to let them know that she cares for them. The teacher must be aware of the way she talks with them in front of their peers. She has to hear what they have to say and show interest. Extra attention should be given to the students who need special assistance and appear withdrawn. Each child can be called up front and asked to talk about themselves which will give them a sense of belonging.
2. Effective Communication

Communication is very important in retaining any bond. It is the key to clarity. A teacher can reach out to the students’ needs only if she has good communication skills, and this will help to enhance the students’ learning ability to comprehend well. The teacher should teach students in the way they want to learn and not the way she wants to teach.
3. Teaching with passion and enthusiasm

A passionate teacher will create enthusiasm among the students. They will respond very positively. And hence, the learning becomes very interesting for the students when the teacher is enthusiastic. When the teacher uses various aids to make learning interesting, the students eagerly wait to learn the new concepts. So, a passion for teaching can create enthusiasm for learning.
4. Encouragement by praising

A word of praise by the teacher can boost students’ morale and will encourage the students to do their best. Written or verbal praises like, “Good job,” “Excellent work,” etc. will help to build the student’s self-confidence and self-esteem. Words of encouragement will keep their motivation level high. But it is additionally essential for a teacher to deal with the underachieving students in a very special way. The teacher can inform them positively about areas that require exceptional effort, this will assist the pupil to enhance average progress.
5. Avoiding favoritism

It often happens that the students who are smart, extrovert, outspoken, and intelligent become the favorite student of the teacher. So teachers should be very careful about giving distinctive privileges to such students as this can have a drastic impact on the student who is not so smart, shy, and introverted. Hence, when a teacher treats all students with an equal approach, it will support their bonds.
6. Personal touch

A personal touch can enhance the bond between teacher and student. This can be gained by talking to them about their holidays, experiences, goals, and aspirations, or listening to their stories. Students sense comfort when they are given the chance to share; they are more fascinated by speaking about their experiences.
7. Avoid Punishment

If a teacher finds a student disruptive, she should not punish them because this can ruin the bond forever. The pupil might also begin hating the teacher. The alternative to punishment is that the teacher can use a time-out procedure. It is a positive discipline technique.
Punishments like depriving them of their lunch, toilet breaks, prolonged schoolroom sessions, etc. must be avoided, instead, the teacher can sit down and speak to them. The teacher can discuss and comfort the students and let them know this kind of behavior can be avoided.
8. Showing empathy

A good rapport with students can be won by displaying empathy. Showing empathy is not always very easy for students’ behavior. But when you ensure the students that you admire and recognize their wishes, they trust you all the more. Students need to be dealt with the way they prefer. So, this approach will focus more on what students need from you instead of what you think they need.
9. Inculcating self-discipline

Self-discipline has to be inculcated properly from the beginning. But this does no longer suggest that the teacher keeps scolding, correcting, using sarcasm, anger, etc. to rectify the behavior, because this can damage the teacher’s relationship with a student. Discipline can be enforced using a range of abilities like involving the students, raising hands for their chance to answer, setting rules, and reinforcing positive interaction among the students. Teachers should be unbiased and very fair.
10. Understanding student perspective

Students come from different strata, and everybody may not be the same. Teachers should put themselves in their shoes and understand each one’s perspective, recognize what hardships they would possibly be going through, and so many elements that the pupil would possibly shun. It can help the teacher to understand the root cause of behaviors and can provide help accordingly.
The above pointers can be useful to make the bond between teacher and student stronger. When this bond is strong, the overall performance of the students can be excellent. It can help students do better than their abilities in academics.
The positive relationship of a teacher with their students will create classroom environments more friendly and conducive to learning and will meet students’ developmental, emotional, and academic needs. Positive and supportive relationships are the key to attaining higher levels of achievement as compared to the ones with more conflict.
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