Entertainment12 Fictional Siblings in the world of tv Series and Movies

12 Fictional Siblings in the world of tv Series and Movies

Aren’t we tired of seeing articles and videos of the best fictional lovers or couples? There are always posts about the most attractive characters that are a couple as if it is the only special relationship that exists in this universe. Do you know what is even more special? The unbreakable bond between siblings. This very relationship is filled with love, innocence, purity, and the eternal promise of togetherness.

TV series and movies are not lethargic in portraying this crazy, amazing bond in the best way possible with certain attractive actors. So how about we dive into the world of the most good-looking characters that play siblings in movies and series?

12 Fictional Siblings in the world of tv Series and Movies

1. Thor and Loki from Marvel

The list cannot begin without mentioning these two siblings. If we keep their attractiveness to one side for a second, though it is difficult because they are the most handsome Gods out there, we know that they make an iconic sibling duo that we absolutely love to watch.

2. Ross and Monica Geller from FRIENDS

You knew that these two siblings were coming on the list, right? They are such a good-looking team with some amazing and unforgettable lines in the sitcom. We cannot forget Ross and Monica’s famous dance, and we still crave to jam like them.

3. Jon Snow and Arya Stark from Game of Thrones

A relationship that is special in many ways, Jon and Arya have always given us a lot to feel. Although there are multiple amazing sibling duos in GOT, Jon and Arya still stand out to be the best.

4. Damon and Stefan Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries

Probably known for their devilishly attractive appearance in the whole series, Damon’s smirks and Stefan’s glare have managed to melt millions of hearts. They are the duo we all need. Yes, we need them!

5. Sam and Dean Winchester from Supernaturals

While many love watching these two alluring brothers fight the monsters and creatures, some ache for the brothers to appear together on the screen smiling. Such is their chemistry!

6. Klaus and Elijah Mikaelson from The Originals

Again, such a good looking team they are. Every time Klaus and Elijah say “Always and forever,” we repeat after them like parrots. Such is their charm, and we definitely miss watching them.

7. Klaus and Rebekah Mikaelson from The Originals

I have to mention them separately because this brother-sister duo shares a story that is quite unique. We hate the scenes where they fight each other and live for the scenes where they are on the same side fighting against a common enemy. Also, they absolutely serve looks, don’t they?

8. Shuri And T’Challa from Black Panther

They are not just adorable people as individuals, but they make quite a cute sibling team. Every time they share the screen together, they create literal magic. I am pretty sure that many of you think the same.

9. Ron And Ginny Weasley from Harry Potter

This list would be incomplete without their names on it. They probably do not have many scenes together in Harry Potter, but they still have great chemistry to cry for. Also, they look cute together.

10. David and Alexis Rose from Schitt’s Creek

If only there was a better duo to name. I mean, every time Alexis says “Ew David” she wins our hearts. Undoubtedly, David and Alexis look gorgeous, and they share a realistic chemistry that has surely won the viewers’ hearts.

11. Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy from Little Women

The March sisters taught us so many lessons to live by. All of them look stunning with their even more beautiful personalities. They make an excellent sisters’ group that is way too iconic.

12. Kat and Bianca from 10 Things I Hate About You

Kat and Bianca are the most relatable of all the siblings for the majority of us. Both of them exhibit a different aura and ideas just like any real-life siblings. They both appear pretty just the way they are, in their own distinct ways.

The list of the best fictional siblings’ teams is endless, but the above-mentioned siblings continue to remain the characters on screen whom we wholeheartedly love and find attractive. So, the question is – which is your favorite sibling team?


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