12 Benefits of Journaling in Everyday Life

Documenting clarifies the thoughts and deepens the perspective. Journaling is one such form of documenting thoughts which brings more clarity in life and makes...

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17 Experiences from Elders that can Change your Life

There are a few experiences and moments that make us realize a lot about things around us. Spending time with the elders in the...

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10 Colour Combinations Always in Trend

Color combinations are probably the most important thing to get right, as our everyday crusade starts with looking at the closet for half an...

13 Crazy Rich Asians You Should Know

I'm sure you must have seen or at least heard about this movie 'Crazy Rich Asians.' What if I tell you that people like...

10 Companies That Managed to Come Back

There have been a lot of companies that shut down or filed for bankruptcy. All of us know a lot of examples of many...

13 Dumbest Things That Only Rich People Buy

Rich people buy some of the craziest things. When you have a lot of money then it is obvious for you to spend your...
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20 Obscure Etiquette Rules You Probably Break All the Time

Etiquette norms might be difficult to understand and follow. Even though they are less clear-cut than legislation, certain of them are frequently treated with...
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Food & nutrition

20 Awesome Health Benefits of Avocados

While fitness freaks get awestruck over avocado toasts and smoothies all over the world, let us find out what exactly makes avocados the healthiest...

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6 Helpful Affirmations To Attain Harmony

It's a known fact that we cannot live alone in this world. No matter who you are or what you do, for your competition...

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6 Golden Rules for a Beautiful Life

Life is a wonderful gift from God. It is entirely within our power to make this life beautiful in every way. To live a...